Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Spiritual Scultupures Monuments Through Out The World

           My class and I, recently took our last Filed trip #5  to the Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art. It contained many things such as paintings, sculptures, and many other artifacts from all over the world and time periods. What really caught my attention were the different sculptures, and monuments. My exhibit is called "Sculpture Monuments Through Out The World" starting from 50-b.c through the 19th century. They come from all over the world such as Asian art, European sculpture, and Medieval art. What attracted me from the sculptures and monuments were the features of each of them, the color,and the way they were displayed and put together. Also how one may represent religion while another represent darker things such as anxiety and wisdom.
              I chose this theme because I think it would be interesting to see various sculptures and monuments from all over the world. I think in every country people have a specific way that they want to create and build something to show a part of there culture as well. The first two pieces in my exhibit are from the 19th century. Kongo Power Figure and Oracle Figure (Kafigeledjo) are both spiritual although one is powerful that helps reinforce the community and the other figure provokes anxiety through the sense of suffocation and entrapment. Both of these are my favorite the shapes, and there detailed really grabbed my attention.
             Next I saw Yaksha (Male Nature Spirit), Standing Nagarajas (Serpent Kings), and Manjuvajra from India. They are based on earth , destruction and wisdom. These were the most blind-blowing. They all have meaning and a powerful sense within each of them. although they are many more sculptures and monuments in my exhibit these were, some of my favorites.
Nkisi N'kondi,
 "Kongo Power figure", mid to late 19th century, Gallery 350

Cote d'Ivoire; Senufo peoples,
 "Oracle Figure (Kafigeledjo)", 19th-mid 20th century, Gallery 350.

Museum Purchase 1900
 "Coiled Serpents", 15th-early 16th century, 00.5.32

 The Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Collection
 Gifts of Nelson A, " Male Figure with Raised Arms", 16th-20th century, 1978.412.332
 Balthasar Permoser,
"Marsyas", 1651-1732, Gallery 548

James Hazen Hyde,
 "Capital Four Heads",  1225-50, Gallery 305

The Sackler Collections
 "Bodhisattva, probably Avalokiteshvara", ca. 550-560, Gallery 206

Gift of Jeffry B. Soref,
 in honor of Martin Lemer, "Yaksha", 50 B.C

Gift of Jeffery B. Soref, in honor of Steve Kossof, 1991
 "Standing Balaram (Serpent King)", mid 5th century, Gallery 236

Bequest of Cora Timken Burnett
"Manjuvajra Mandala", 11th century, Gallery 238

Gift of  R. H. Ellsworth Ltd, in honor of Susan Dilon 1987
"Shiva as Lord of Dance (Nataraja)", 11th century, Gallery 240